Elon Musk, addresses several significant topics with his characteristic blend of candor and insight. Musk begins by expressing his concerns about organizations like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and others, asserting that they have transitioned into activist roles that extend beyond their initial mandates, potentially misrepresenting the intentions of their donors.
Elon Musk the example of the ADL’s stance on Donald Trump and his social media account to illustrate his point, arguing that they wrongly labeled restoring Trump’s account as hateful speech even though Trump hadn’t posted anything controversial. Musk also highlights the irony that Trump’s son-in-law is Jewish, emphasizing that this isn’t a matter of anti-Semitism but rather a broader concern about organizations being influenced by what he calls the “woke agenda.“
Transitioning to the topic of China, Musk mentions his deep understanding of the country and its leadership due to his numerous visits and meetings with senior officials over the years. He discusses the long-standing issue of Taiwan’s status, describing it as a sensitive geopolitical matter where China seeks reunification. He predicts that as China’s military strength grows, a showdown between the U.S. and China in the South China Sea becomes increasingly likely, leading to escalating tensions and reciprocal sanctions.
Discussed in this video:
Elon Musk | Watch Now before they get to me.
Elon Musk | we have 8 days left
Elon Musk | Watch NOW before they silence me.
Elon Musk | this will AFFECT everyone in 1-2 weeks.
#ElonMusk #news #anonymous
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