Adam Jensen - What Is Love

THIS VIDEO WAS ALSO MADE TO HONOR THE GREAT CREATORS OF “Adam Jensen Does a Safety Dance“ (JoshuaMutter), “Adam Jensen Walks Into A Bar“ (WeAreTheLostBoyz), and “Deus Ex Punch Punch Revolution“ (XerosXIII). Without you guys the internet and this game would only be half as awesome! Please keep on rocking! :) ADAM JENSEN GOT RICKROLLED?! HE NEVER ASKED FOR THIS! XD To make this video I realtered the material and changed pacing and speed of the clips. It is just a little fun quoting the Saturday Night Life fun “What is Love“ videos with Jim Carrey, Pamela Anderson, Silvester Stalone, etc.... edit: I edited the description to make even more clear who I am honoring with this video. :)
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