The Traka - Paul Voss wins 200km gravel race

Racing mostly in the US over the past two years made the first Gravel Earth Series event in Girona, Spain even more special to me. With the experiences and intense competitions of the previous seasons, and good preparation I arrived with big hopes at The Traka 2023. Despite the fact that Girona was my home for several years, I was really excited to compete with some of the top riders of our discipline. The race played out as planned, my legs felt good and 80km before the finish line I could pull away solo. The fear of losing this perfect race because of a technical issue 5km before the finish and the accomplishment of running first over the line brought out emotions I haven’t experienced in a long time and it was a huge relief for me. Starting AUTˈSAID three years ago, bringing my body and mind back to this level was a journey for me - saying thank you to the people who supporting me with the win at Traka means a lot to me! My AUTˈSAID Podcast colleague Carolin Schiff won the woman’s race
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