Toby Fox & Itoki Hana - The Greatest Living Show (Sub Eng)

※ This video contains graphic imagery and is not suitable for children or sensitive individuals. I know this isn’t a Vocaloid song, but I couldn’t find an adequate translation, or a subtitled version for that matter. Also i love both Toby Fox and Itoki Hana, this is truly stunning I love the Yoshitaka Amano-ish style of the video! Spotify Link Title The Greatest Living Show Original MUSIC VIDEO - Bani-Chan @bani-chan8949 MUSIC AND LYRICS - Toby Fox VOCALS, BASE ARRANGEMENT, JP LYRICS - Itoki Hana @it0ki MASTERING - Kataoka Yasuhisa VIOLIN - Noel Sawdin PIANO - Carlos Eiene @insa...neintherainmusic ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE - Marcy Nabors
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