Forza Horizon 5 drifting gameplay in adam lz’s formula drift s15 with steering wheel, shifter and handbrake setup in todays fh5 drift gameplay on RTX 3090 gaming PC. Forza Horizon 5 drifting with simulation steering mode and 900 degree steering wheel settings. Using a nissan silvia s15 drift build with drift tune available on the fh5 storefront and called “CToretto Drift“ #ForzaHorizon5 #Drifting #Adamlz
Check out Shoks channel and video from his perspective! - DSM Shok
0:00 Lap 1 Follow 3rd Person
1:22 Lap 2 Follow First Person
2:29 Lap 3 Overtake
3:34 Lap 4 Lead First Person
4:38 Lap 5 F
...ollow 3rd Person
5:50 Jump Drift Section!
My Forza Horizon 5 Wheel Settings -
Forza Horizon 5 Drift Tune available on the storefront
Car = 1987 AMG Hammer Mercedes-Benz
Tune Name = CToretto Drift
Share code = 166113525
My Steering Wheel Setup
Thrustmaster TX Wheel Base (TSXW is not currently compatible with FH5)
Aftermarket Nardi Steering Wheel (3Show more