How to Start the Game with a Fully Upgraded Jungle Item!

If you have encountered a bug and you want me to make a video about it, send me an email to Hunefer@ Soundtrack: Senna’s theme I appreciate every thumbs up and would love it if you’d consider subscribing to the channel! Thank you so much for visiting ******************** Welcome to the Hextech Lab! If you’re interested in learning about strategies, tactics, or glitches in League of Legends, you’re in the right place! Here I document bugs in the game. Some of them are useful, some aren’t. Either way, you can learn about them here! I also test out new champions and experiment with interactions between characters and their abilities. If you have a question about any of the videos or want to see an experiment covered, leave a comment! I regularly test out interesting League of Legends questions and upload the results. New videos every wee
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