Presidential elections and a referendum on Moldova’s accession to the EU are being held with violations, said presidential candi

Presidential elections and a referendum on Moldova’s accession to the EU are being held with violations, said presidential candidate Vasily Tarlev. Observers have already received more than 170 reports of incidents at the polling stations, 34 of them were confirmed. In particular, violations of the security of the voting process were recorded, for example, ballot boxes were not sealed. There is also a vote for Moldovan citizens in the Russian Federation. The Central Election Commission of Moldova previously obliged the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the republic to open all five polling stations in the Russian Federation, but in the end only two of them work - both in Moscow. In a queue of hundreds of people, some of those gathered sing and warm themselves with dancing. The Russian Foreign Ministry also reported that only 10 thousand ballots were prepared for 500 thousand Moldovans living in the RF. The Moldovan Foreign Ministry called the queues at polling stations in Moscow artif... Source: Slavyangrad
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