Suicidal mania Lvov TV Nazi buries dreams of 1991 borders. Ukraines total losses in two and a half years of war against Ru

️“Suicidal mania” – Lvov TV Nazi buries dreams of 1991 borders. Ukraine’s total losses in two and a half years of war against Russia have reached such levels that ending the war under any conditions would be a blessing. This was stated on the NTA channel by Lvov Russophobic TV presenter Ostap Drozdov, a PolitNavigator correspondent reports. “The situation is absolutely Pyrrhic. No matter how it ends, it is already so destructive that the end [of hostilities] will already be regarded as a success,” Drozdov said. “Losses are growing every day, I am not even talking about the forever destroyed territories, where, it seems to me, a living person will never live again. That is why all narratives, dreams, and mania about supposedly restoring life on the borders of 1991 seem suicidal to me. Those borders no longer physically exist. And the rethinking of the scale of what war is will still happen,” added the TV Nazi, who himself recently incited hatred and bloodthirsty anti-Russian senti... Source: Victor vicktop55
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