Todd V Dating Programs-hjm0vck8ri

(0:31) Note on format (0:53) I get a 403 error when opening the link. (2:22) How to get used to doing something outside of your personality? I.e when I speak louder I don’t feel believable & the bad reactions I get would reinforce that. (5:08) Does “laughter“ create arousal in women? If so, why? I was told that making a girl laugh in set allows her to be aroused but not sure if there’s any correlation. (9:34) Any tips on how to manage your time and focus when working towards your game, fitness, and financial goals simultaneously? If you’re struggling in all those areas. (15:09) In your last video, you said you shouldn’t just understand female nature but accept it. Any strategies on how to get yourself to accept it? (20:30) What do you recommend for texting or calling old numbers? From 1 month to 1-year-old numbers etc. Do you have a specific format for this or just game as usual? (24:01) How to build a good narrative for girls I see often? (25:43) I was out on Friday night. At this nightclub, dancing with about 4 different girls in groups. And one of them danced with me for 20 mins. I was having a good time. But how do I escalate to the next level? I did good with the dancing, some opens were good too. But how do I take it to the next level? How do I escalate? (28:38) I was dancing with the girl for 20 minutes, after that, her friend went dancing with me. It was kind of like a competition. So what do I do with that? Should I go for her friend? (30:26) Where’s the line between laughter being arousing to the girl and just being seen as entertaining? (31:43) Follow-up question on talking game on the dancefloor. (34:46) I’m a guy with long hair and glasses. I find girls stereotype me as a nerd. Until they talk to me. And realize I’m not. They see some value. But should I cut my hair and get contacts, to avoid that prejudgment. I dress in skate clothes and sports clothes. Sorry if it seems off-topic. But do looks matter? 36:33) Hi Todd! Big fan of your work. Thank you for everything you do. How do you game when you don’t meet a lot of women you find attractive in your daily life during the day and don’t want to go late-night drinking to do nightgame? (38:56) I was at a loud dance club at like 3 AM. It was still packed and I was at the front, thinking about leaving. But then this girl opened me and asked me how old I was. She looked like she was in her late twenties, I told her I was 23 and she shook her head and said “You’re too young.“ Then she left with her friends. After that, I saw her talking with some guy and she ended up leaving with that guy. If I see a girl who is more mature, should I lie about my age? Or what should I do? (48:42) When I make a set really good (beyond the open) or achieve some really strong hook, I tend to freeze up mentally and emotionally. And the more evidence I collect the girl likes me (mostly by virtue of my good game), the worse it gets. Without giving any more information, what does this sound like to you? (50:24) Note on follow up questions (54:39) In texting, when the girl is not available that weekend and you set up the date a week away, what do you text the girl during that week? (57:05) In light of what you said in the past about the Madonna-whore dichotomy, do you hold the belief that some women are more suitable for LTR than others? Or is that unfair? (1:01:49) In nightgame, how do you manage group resistance/group not responding? Usually, I open the target and then the group 5-10 seconds after. (1:03:25) Todd. After our call yesterday with you here, I wrote the girl from the gym. “Hi. Something at home came up in the last few days, I missed following up on our plans to go out. What does your schedule look like in the upcoming days?“ (1:04:43) How would you treat a silent text from Tinder (in-app) that becomes a positive text but 2 months late? Responded saying “omg I didn’t see this till now!“ (1:05:39) Todd, you’ve brought up the concept of getting the girl into her head. Can you give us a few pointers on this please, e.g. the technique, where in game this is useful, caveats? (1:07:46) How do you follow up after making the girl laugh in set? Especially after she was cold towards me and failed to hold her frame. (1:08:31) Hey Todd, I’ve been working on my online game and have noticed that things like push-pulls and disqualifiers are much less effective online than in person, i.e. girls generally get weirded out or unmatch after using push-pulls or disqualifiers online. I think this is because it is harder to portray a teasing or flirty intent online as opposed to in person. What is your take on this? (1:10:21) At nightgame, if the girls find reasons to go away multiple times, is it probably because my game wasn’t good until that point or they are just not in the mood/have boyfriends? How do disting
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