Burkina Faso | Creative Society

On January 12, 2021, at pm GMT, we are coming together in a video broadcast with people from Burkina Faso. It is a country in West Africa rich in natural beauty and amazing views. Burkina Faso holds some of the rarest species of flora and fauna with the lake Tangrela as one of the main centres of attraction. Ouagadougou is a capital of the country with 59 native languages spoken with Moore spoken by roughly 50% of Burkinabé. Formerly called the Republic of Upper Volta (named for its location on the upper courses of the river Volta) the country was renamed «Burkina Faso» or «land of the honest men» in August 1984. 🌍Residing in different parts of the world, people ask the same question: how to improve relations with the neighbours, by what means to overcome the global difficulties and how to strengthen friendship and disseminate information about the global project on Creative Society. Gathering on a regular basis in online Round Tables and simultaneously getting connected with each ot
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