Liam Zdarec

English teacher English teacher, TEFL certified with 4 Years of teaching experience across 3 different countries, hundreds of kids with very diverse cultural backgrounds. Образование: Bachelor of Science in Foreign Languages and International Relations, Università Cattolica Milan, Italy, Photoshop Course, organised by Forma-Temp Milan, Italy, High school degree, Liceo linguistico europeo Oxford Milan, Italy “I teach in a very flexible way by constantly gaging how much kids are ready to give and receive and I try to keep the energy of the class fresh by constantly moving through different games and actives that keep children engaged. This makes my classes extremely dynamic and evoke noticeable progress with time, this makes me very proud of them and myself for going on this journey together. This way of teaching is fun for me and kids pick up on it since they’re extremely sensitive to the mood adults are in : for me harmony between teachers and helpers in the classroom is of paramount importance. The way I bond with kids is both as friends and as an adult they can rely on I believe this impacts positively their subconscious beliefs about adults.“
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