At the request of my friends, and I had to play this tune. As it turned out, it spread even among artists as Issaak Perlman. Therefore, this blog is dedicated to military issues again. The movie “Schindler’s List“ (1993) - a historical film by Steven Spielberg of the German businessman Oskar Schindler, who saved more than a thousand Polish Jews from death in the Holocaust. Beautiful melody by John Williams and my improvization on this theme!
По просьбе моих друзей, мне пришлось
4 months ago 00:02:52 5
Schindler’s list - 2 violins (duet) - FREE sheet music
4 months ago 00:03:55 1
Schindler’s list - John Williams
4 months ago 00:03:37 1
Трогательно, до слез! ’Список Шиндлера’ в исполнении Матвея Блюмина Синяя птица 2017 Новый 3 сезон