These UFOs are Starlink Flares, 100%

Jimmy’s original video: About 1AM on August the 14th, 2022, Jimmy Church was on the second floor balcony of his house in Palmdale, California, using a night vision device to look for UFOs. He spotted some to the north, and started filming them. On November 3rd, he shared the video on Twitter and someone (sorry I can’t find who) suggested to me that it might be the same Starlink flares that pilots had been seeing and mistaking for planes flying in racetrack patterns. A starlink flare happens when sunlight reflects off a flat surface on a starlink satellite. These particular flares are reflecting off the bottom of the satellite, which is parallel to the curve of the earth, and so the reflection mostly misses the ground - which is why, up until now, only pilots at high altitudes had reported them. But Jimmy’s night vision device was able to see the much dimmer flares that were visible from the ground. Over on Metabunk we’d
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