PANEL DISCUSSION 5. “Russia-Africa: From Program Guidelines to Cooperation Practices“

In 2023, the second Russia-Africa summit was held, at which issues of political, economic and humanitarian cooperation between Russia and Africa in the era of the formation of a new world order were discussed. Both Russia and Africa have an understanding that in order to truly liberate themselves from colonial dependence and defend their own sovereignty, as well as to ensure security in the broad sense of the word, it is necessary not only to transfer our cooperation to a new strategic level, but also to move from general declarations to a concrete step-by-step plan for the implementation of all the tasks we have set. The acute military-political conflict had a strong impact on the functioning of the world economy but allowed the accumulation of rich working experience in unfavorable conditions. New crises of various kinds are likely to arise. Balancing the economic interests of countries and peoples is as important for a sustainable world order as lasting peace and indivisible security. Moderator:
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