PANEL DISCUSSION 2. “The Middle East: The Tragedy and Challenges of the Unresolved Conflict“

The escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, large-scale armed clashes and numerous civilian casualties have generated a powerful public reaction in the Middle East and beyond. The tragic events have become a serious challenge for the states of the region. While the beginning of the post-globalization era has opened up for them an opportunity to pursue their national interests through a more diversified policy, the consequences of the bloodshed threaten the stability of the fragile states and may slow down the implementation of development strategies in the prosperous ones. Under the current conditions, trends aimed at de-escalation have been pushed back or frozen. It is obvious that priority in the Middle East should be given to security issues and to a search for political settlement of the Palestinian problem. Moderator: Vitaly Naumkin, Scientific Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Speaker
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