. These women know what it’s like to be able to reach anything on a high shelf. They can easily spot their friends in a crowd. They never have to stand on their tiptoes to add a couple of inches to their height. They are hailed as the tallest women in the world. But their lives aren’t exactly easy. In fact, some of these women, who have a condition called gigantism, suffer serious health problems. They get teased and even threatened because of their height. But many of these good-natured women don’t let that stop them from living their best lives.
You’ll probably notice that there are several WNBA players on our list, such as Brittany Griner and Margo Dydek. Basketball is a popular sport among those tall enough to dunk a basket. But not all of these women are athletic. Some of them became models and actresses, like Lindsay Kay Hayward, who also starred in TLC’s “My Giant Life.” And others work to help others with jobs like Gitika Srivastava, who founded a network that helps cancer patients make import
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