Thy Veils - Towering The Void 5K

A 5K cinematic stream of consciousness, Towering The Void is based on 2 poems. One by zen master Tessho who, according to tradition, wrote a poem when he was about to die; charged with his spirit, the Masters’ verses served both as a summation of life and as a parting gift to inspire his students. The second poem was written by Mahmud Shabistari, one of the most celebrated Persian Sufi poets of the 14th century. Through his work he provided a coherent literary bridge between the Persian ’School of Love’ poetry and the metaphysical and gnostic compositions from what had come to be known as the school of the ’Unity of Being’. A tale of Neoradiant - Daniel Dorobantu - electronics, production Alira Mun - vocal Attila Lukinich - mixing, mastering video by Daniel Dorobantu, stock footage from lyrics: Finally Out of reach No bondage No dependency How calm the ocean Towering the void How calm
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