Elite Dangerous - 17 Things You Should Know About Fleet Carriers - Plus Where And How To Buy Them

Fleet Carriers, easily the largest vessels a player can whilst that is true, they also come with a whole range of possibilities and questions - including where to buy them. So in this video I’m going to look at 17 things you should know about Fleet Carriers. Firstly - what are Fleet Carriers? In brief, they are gigantic space ships that are own-able by the individual player. They offer a place to dock, store your ships, replenish your essentials, repair and much more. The carriers can also - in theory at least - be used as a mobile market to sell goods to other players. If you would like to help support this channel, please take a look at Patreon: Alternatively you can become a YouTube Member, by clicking the “Join“ button below any of my videos. Join the Discord Server: Where to by a Fleet Carrier Agartha - Enoch Port Alcor - Macdonald Settlement Balante - Laplace Ring CD-47 990 - Jackson Ring Colonia - Jaques Station D
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