Fear of all-out WAR as Putin missile flies over Nato airspace in latest strikes on Ukraine

A Russian missile went about 2 kilometres into Polish airspace early on Sunday (March 24) morning before returning to Ukraine, the Polish defence minister said. Russia launched 57 missiles and drones on Ukraine in the early hours, including attacking Kyiv and the western region of Lviv that is near the Polish border. The Polish Foreign Ministry said it would demand explanations from Russia over the airspace violation. Poland calls on Russia “to stop terrorist air attacks on the inhabitants and territory of Ukraine, end the war and address the country’s internal problems,“ the ministry’s spokesman said in a statement. Read more: ---Contents of this video --- - Missile attack on Lviv - Russian missile went around 2 km into Polish airspace, Polish defence minister says - Sirens sound, residents seek shelter as Kyiv comes under Russian air a
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