It’s all over for Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman

(1 Aug 2001) SHOTLIST 1. Various file Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman 2. SOT Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman - “It’s different to anything that I have ever done before so...“ SOT Question - “Will you say anything about the role in this movie?“ SOT Tom Cruise - “ditto, it’s a great role for her and she really shines in it.“ 3. Various file Cruise and Kidman 4. Pan of photo of Cruise to Cruise (in background fans are singing ’You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling’) 5. MS Russell Crowe, Thandie Newton, Tom Cruise at London MI:2 premiere 6. MS Penelope Cruz at Captain Corelli’s Mandolin premiere in London CRUISE-KIDMAN DIVORCE FINAL NEXT WEEK Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman have received a ’quickie’ divorce. Once Tinseltown’s top power couple, the actors will have their divorce finalized on August 8 - just six months after announcing the breakup of their decade-long union. Cruise went to court for a fast-track finale to the 10-year marriage and Superior Court Judge Lee Smalley Edmon granted the request yesterday (Tuesday). The divorce will be final on August 8, the judge said. A hearing is scheduled for October. 4 to set trial on remaining issues including financial and property claims. Neither actor was in court and was no immediate comment from the stars. Cruise filed for divorce on February 7, citing irreconcilable differences. Two days earlier, in a joint announcement, they blamed their faltering marriage on “divergent careers which constantly kept them apart.“ According to Cruise’s filing, the two had been separated since December, just shy of their 10-year anniversary. But, according to her own court papers , that “came as shock“ to flame-haired Aussie actress. She said the couple “happily celebrated their 10th anniversary with a group of friends“ on December 24 and it wasn’t until February 4 that Cruise said “he no longer wanted to live with her and that he wanted a divorce.“ (By claiming the later date, Kidman, 34, can take advantage of a California law that says that after 10 years of marriage, a spouse must pay alimony until the other partner remarries.) The made-for-the-tabloids split also included reports of a miscarriage, dueling flings with fellow celebs (Cruise with Penelope Cruz, Kidman with Russell Crowe) and even a homosexual affair. The divorce petition filed by attorney Dennis Wasser said the couple will share custody of their children, 6-year-old Conor and 8-year-old Isabella. The couple married on Christmas Eve 1990 and separated in December 2000, court documents said. The separation wasn’t disclosed until February. The Cruise divorce petition, a legal form on which boxes are checked and little information is divulged, threw little light on the financial settlement of the massively wealthy alone has earned tens of millions of dollars from his glittering film career. The petition listed separate property assets, including “miscellaneous jewelry and other personal effects“ and “earnings and accumulations of petitioner from and after the date of separation.“ “There are additional separate property assets and obligations of the parties, the exact nature and extent of which are not presently known,“ the document said. Cruise, 39, and Kidman, 34, starred together in Stanley Kubrick’s erotic thriller “Eyes Wide Shut“ in 1999. They also co-starred in 1992’s “Far and Away“ and 1990’s “Days of Thunder.“ Despite the nastiness of the past few months, Cruise and Kidman could make at least two more public appearances together before the divorce is final. Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
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