3 Glam Home Decor Ideas Inspired by Love| Dollar Tree Valentine’s Day Decor 💕 Romantic Decor DIY’s

Hello and Welcome! Thank you so much for stopping by. Today I am sharing 3 easy, beautiful and elegant home Decor DIY’s that are inspired by Valentine’s Day, but can definitely be used all year round. 💕DIY Lighted Crystal Hearts.💕 2 Tin Heart Boxes (Dollar Tree) Crystal Dazzlers (Hobby Lobby) Wire LED Lights (Dollar Tree) Gold Foil Mod Podge Rhinestone Ribbon ●Amazon Produtcts● ◇No Affiliated Links◇ 3 yards Rhinestone Ribbon=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_7H38FP48R9H4K4Q81S6C?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
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