Play This Blues Riff for 1 min. and Discover BIG FUN!
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At the very foundation of playing blues is the 12-bar blues progression. A lot of beginner guitarists will start out by playing a 12-bar blues using simple power chords. While this does get the progression going for a beginner, there are certainly more levels to playing a 12-bar blues progression. In this lesson we’ll take the 12-bar blues format up to a new level by introducing riffs upon each measure that work to highlight each chord.
The key center of this lesson is “E Blues.” Our underlying chord harmony to cover each measure of the 12-bar blues progression will contain three chords. These are the; “I-chord,” (E), the “IV-chord,” (A) and the “V-chord,” (B).
The example riffs provided in this lesson will cover each chord with chord-tone outlines combined with highlight tones from the “E” Blues Scale. The rhythm that is applied to each phrase will use the shuffle (a triplet based swing feel). The shuffle rhythm has a longer duration followed by a shorter duration. This feel offers the music a “skipped” (or rolled) feel based upon 1/8th-note triplets.
Study the lesson as much as you need to in order to get a solid understanding for the riffs provided in each measure. As you practice, be sure that you are comfortable with all of the notes, as well as, the shuffle feel used across the entire chord progression. It is advised all 12-bars be committed to memory.
Andrew Wasson
(Creative Guitar Studio Inc.)
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