Hi! THIS IS PART 2. If you have finished part 1 and you are here watching this, Congratulations. Thank you for being here. Enjoy the part 2.
Yarn used - 🔗
Oneul - Penguin Adventure
0:00 Hair Wig
7:40 Hair Strands, DISGUST
10:05 Hair Strands, SADNESS
11:54 Hair Strands, JOY
14:25 Embroidering the eyes
23:02 Tiny hair, JOY
24:55 Eyes applique for FEAR
28:21 Crocheted eyebrow for ANGER
32:23 Wire Glasses for SADNESS
34:10 Mini bow for FEAR
36:02 Spiral shape on top of FEAR’s head
38:53 Outro
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