🍓Berry Amp ➡️ We collaborated with Audio Assault to turn our signature sound into one effective and affordable unit called Berry Amp. It’s an amp simulator that contains 3 different guitar amps and works with all DAWs. Berry Amp is an incredibly versatile plugin that lets you focus more on creating and having fun rather than tone chasing and setting up your gear. To get you started, it comes loaded with presets made and used for Berried Alive tracks. We used it on a lot of the music on Our Own Light and on the upcoming album. The Berry Amp has been three and a half years in the making. It has been a goal to get this completed and into your hands, and I’m incredibly excited to share it with everyone. Each of the 3 amps has settings for different guitar tone styles ranging from a crisp, clean tone all the way up to a high-gain lead tone. The Berry Amp also has three built-in pedals: Figsaw gate, Raisin Hell boost, and
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