Rainbow Flower Water Marble

Open and read if you’re gorgeous! Okay so you know when you have just learned and mastered a new nail art trick and you get all excited and start dreaming up all the magical things you could do with it..? Every water marble design looks absolutely amazing and most people who see them say “WOW THAT’S AMAZING I’VE NEVER SEEN THAT BEFORE!!“ But... I still wanted to try and come up with something original. Rainbow water marble has been done by many of the lovely girls on here and I wanted to join in cos I love rainbows and I LOVE neons. So this is what I came up with. I thought it was a pretty co...ol idea and decided to share it with you guys. YAY! Items used: Shitloads of rainbow colours Eyeshadow applicator Cup of filtered water Cocktail stick China Glaze Liquid Leather China Glaze Rainbow Tape, acetone, cotton bud, common sense.... Please go here for my entire blog post about my own personal do’s and don’ts and how t
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