【4K】Night Walk From Shinjuku 東京 新宿 2024 June- Tokyo Nightlife - Japanese deep culture

“In the season when hydrangeas glisten in the rain, enhancing their beauty, I wonder how you gentlemen are faring. The crisp, sunny weather feels refreshing indeed, but my desires intensify on damp, humid days. Due to my nightly prowls around Shinjuku, I rarely retire before dawn; I rise at 6 AM every morning, carrying cardboard boxes and darting through Tokyo’s streets. Surely, my stamina for late-night walks sets me apart from other middle-aged men. Perhaps it’s thanks to regular training, but this masculine urge shows no signs of waning. Tonight, with unquenchable desires, I drove towards Shinjuku. First, I wandered near Okubo Park. Even tonight, the area around Okubo Park was lined with streetwalkers. Girls in miniskirts with bare legs, their faces concealed behind masks, stood around, gazing at their smartphones, while men scrutinized them intently. This has become a common sight in Kabukicho since the pandemic. At my age, any amateur girl would suffice. From my modest standpoint, paying money to these streetwalkers is wasteful! The moment you pay, you’ve lost! If we, middle-aged men, pay these streetwalkers, the money only lines the pockets of host club guys using it. Conversely, if we stand firm and refuse to pay, these girls won’t be able to afford host clubs, and the arrogant hosts will also face poverty. That’s why there’s no need to pay money to these streetwalkers! Muttering nonsense of a poor man, I walked alone feeling empty. In my teens, popular guys were either athletic types or delinquents, but in your twenties, men who worked for large corporations began to attract attention. After that, it all comes down to money. With money, you can turn any good woman into a loyal pet. But I want to be loved by a woman sincerely. I want to be enveloped in maternal love, like the nurturing sea. However, nobody loves someone like me. As I searched for a gal and maternal love, I entered a narrow alley lined with small eateries... And then...?!“ #kabukicho #shinjuku #night
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