Rodtang Jitmuangnon and Dimetrious Johnson “Review of Recent Confrontations. Analysis of Strengths.“

#DemetriousJohnson#RodtangJitmuangnon#MuauThai#MMA On the Issue of Cooperation and Interaction: @ Rodtang Jitmuangnon and Dimetrious Johnson “Review of Recent Confrontations. Analysis of Strengths.“ Rodtang Jitmuangnon and Demetrious Johnson are the most prominent fighters of our time. ONE FC, a promotion that set a goal - to give fans of martial arts a duel between these outstanding athletes of our time.. But what should be the format of the duel that would allow representatives of two different elements to fully reveal themselves..? Rodtang Jitmuangnon’s strongest points are his “steel jaw“, crazy Muay Maat pressing and punching power .. Rodtang, is an all-round dangerous fighter, his low kicks carry no less destructive potential than the punches of his arms and elbows, and he is able to perfectly combine and combine all this, unleashing his pressure on his opponent Demetrious Johnson is an athlete with excellent cage mo
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