Walking along Avenida Doutor Chucri Zaidan, South Zone of São Paulo

Walking along Avenida Doutor Chucri Zaidan, which is an important route in the South Zone of São Paulo. Address of major companies such as Nestlé, Vivo and TV Globo São Paulo, as well as 2 malls: Morumbi and Market Place Shopping Center. According to the projects of the Urban Operation Água Espraiada (Chucri Zaidan sector), the road was expanded to Avenida João Dias. It was necessary to expropriate about 300 properties and the construction of a tunnel to carry out the work. The new avenue was named Cecilia Lottenberg and was opened to traffic on January 19, 2018. However, the tunnel works are at a standstill. Camera: Redmi Note 8 Microfone: Arcano Triny Electronic stabilizer: Cinepeer C11 Recording date: 03/16/2021
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