Erich von Daniken - The Ark of the Covenant & the Science behind the ANCIENT MANA (Monatomic Gold)

@ancientsecretdiscoveries Steve Mera, the UK’s most respected researcher in the realms of UFOlogy, Unexplained & Supernatural, joins Erich von Daniken to discuss Ancient Mana (otherwise known as Monatomic Gold), The Ark of the Covenant, and the Giants of Ancient Times. This video features a promotional trailer from GaiaSphere EVENS Workshop with Graham Hancock, titled “A Magical Mystery Tour” - look in the comment section for more from @GaiaVideo and their enormous library of non-mainstream media! Steve Mera is the head tutor for British & U.S. Investigators Training Courses in Ufological Studies and the CEO of Phenomena Magazine, the world’s largest e-zine of its kind, distributed in 12 counties to over 1.8 millions subscribes. He is an accomplished author of several books, the founder of the Scientific Establishment of Parapsychology (Est 1996) and the Chairman of MAPIT - Manchester’s Aerial Phenomena Investigation Team (Est 1974), Associative Member: Unifaculty of London Mem
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