From Limits to Growth to an Earth4All: The 5 Turnarounds Needed to Transform North America/The World

Ecological Economics for All’s annual Earth Day event in partnership with Rethinking Economics UVM and the Earth4All initiative: From Limits to Growth to an Earth4All: The 5 Turnarounds Needed for an Economic Transformation in North America (and the World) to Achieve Well-Being Within Planetary Boundaries for All Our event featured the unstoppable Sandrine Dixon-Declève, Co-President of the Club of Rome, followed by an engaging conversation with our EE4All/RE leaders Rigo Melgar and Lizah Makombore on the need for an economic transformation in North America and beyond to achieve wellbeing within planetary boundaries for all. Our goal with this event is to create awareness in North America and beyond about the new Earth for All: A Surviving Guide for Humanity report to the Club of Rome 50 years after the earth shattering Limits to Growth report by Meadows et al., which has greatly influenced the development of ecological & biophysical economics. Co-learn with us about Earth4All’s 5 turnarounds in women empowerment, inequality, poverty, food and energy systems and how ecological economics can support their implementation to transform our economies to achieve wellbeing for all! Co-sponsors: Donella Meadows Project, Rethinking Economics UVM, Rethinking Economics USA, Gund Institute for Environment, U.S. Society for Ecological Economics, Leadership for the Ecozoic, Earth4All. If you missed last year’s Earth Day event on the 50th Anniversary of Limits to Growth feel free to check it out here:
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