3D Puzzle, a wood turning bowl project like no other! This video looks at how to wood turn a bowl from handcut wooden puzzle pieces interlocking with epoxy resin, mimicking woodturning segmented bowls.
In part the idea came from a Youtube video of a platter with a puzzle effect in the bottom and I wanted to woodturn a 3D puzzle bowl. This was an intricate project extending from previous work using bow ties and resin. Each piece had to be precisely cut and placed to leave a symmetrical gap to all adjacent pieces. It was extremely challenging and a lot to learn along the way. Did I do it justice?
Shout out to R Humphrey and his Wood turning a puzzle video:
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#3dpuzzle #woodturning #opensegmentedbowl #raywhitby #epoxyresin #hopewoodwork
Timeline - 3D Puzzle - a wood turning bowl project
0:00 Cutting segments
1:51 Applying the jigsaw puzzle pattern
2:19 Cutting pieces on a scroll saw
4:02 Shaping the central columns
5:29 Gluing
4 months ago 00:02:05 1
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