The One Burger McDonald’s Wishes You Would Forget About

McDonald’s may not be perfect, but you can’t blame them for trying new things. Sometimes their gambles even work out — after all, the Chicken McNugget was a new fast-food concept in 1983, and we all know how that turned out. Unfortunately, however, not every fast food invention is going to be a success, and every once in a while McDonald’s manages to come up with an idea that goes down like a lead balloon. Maybe the concept doesn’t make sense, or the roll-out is shoddy — or maybe people just aren’t ready for something new. Either way, things don’t always turn out well when McDonald’s decides to take a new direction. Take some of these burgers, for example. First up is the McLean Deluxe. McDonald’s thought it had hit paydirt with this burger, which had 9 percent fat in its patty rather than the usual 20 percent. It seemed like the perfect fast-food item for the fat-conscious 1990s, so McDonald’s rushed it out at all of its restaurants nationwide. But the McLean had a few issues. It was expensive, for one, bu
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