Darkwing Duck is an American animated action-adventure comedy television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation that first ran from 1991 to 1992 on both the syndicated programming block The Disney Afternoon and Saturday mornings on ABC. It featured the eponymous anthropomorphic duck superhero whose alter ego is suburban father Drake Mallard.
On April 2, 2015, a rumor surfaced that Disney would be rebooting the series for a 2018 premiere. This has since been debunked, instead it has returned as a comic book published by Joe Books, which premiered on April 27, 2016.
Though originally believed by some fans to be a spin-off of DuckTales, creator Tad Stones since stated in a 2016 report that he believes the two shows exist in different universes.
Darkwing Duck / Drake Mallard (voiced by Jim Cummings) is an average citizen by day and St. Canard’s resident superhero by night.
Launchpad McQuack (voiced by Terry McGovern) is Darkwing Duck’s sidekick and pilot.
Gosalyn Mallard (birth name Waddlemeyer) (v
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