Paul Elvere DELSART’s programs

Paul Elvere Valérien DELSART is a French social engineer and a visionary societal entrepreneur candidate for the governance of France. His societal program is applicable in all countries of the world having all the potential to profoundly modify human relations at the heart of nations as well as relations between peoples and between nations. Les projets de Paul Elvere DELSART (Fr) projets de Paul Elvere Le plan d’action de Paul Elvere DELSART (Fr) d’action de Paul Elvere Paul Elvere DELSART’s projects (Eng) Elvere DELSART’s Paul Elvere DELSART’s action plan (Eng) Elvere DELSART’s action Paul DELSART – Courrier ouvert (Fr) Paul Elvere DELSART – Courrier ouvert (Fr) Elvere Paul DELSART – Open letter (Eng) Paul Elvere DELSART – Open letter (Eng) Elvere Portail Web / Web Portal: Programme EL4DEV - EL4DEV program SOUS-PROGRAMME le papillon source - LE PAPILLON SOURCE sub-program Proclamation officielle de la confédération EL4DEV / Empire Vert d’orient et d’occident (Fr) Official proclamation of the EL4DEV confederation / Green Empire of the East and the West (Eng) Dossiers de presse EL4DEV - EL4DEV press kits Brochures/Livres blancs EL4DEV - EL4DEV brochures / White papers Revue de presse EL4DEV – EL4DEV press review Menu de navigation interne – Internal navigation menu Plateforme PDF - PDF platform 9 – Renouvellement du monde (livre) La prémonition de Faith - L’Empire Vert d’Orient et d’Orient (livre) émonition-de-faith-l-empire-vert-d-orient-et-d-orient Faith’s premonition - The Green Empire of the East and the West (book) Soutenez-nous sur Paypal – Back us on Paypal: Soutenez-nous sur Tipeee– We need sponsors, back us on Tipeee: Soutenez-nous sur Patreon– We need sponsors, back us on Patreon: Actualités du programme EL4DEV / News from EL4DEV program: Association LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV - LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV non-profit organization: ,
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