Ratten Reich First Person View Mode. Kickstarter 50% Funded

Back on Kickstarter: Subsribe: In the last couple of days, developers behind Ratten Reich received an overwhelming amount of requests to have an FPS view in the game and they decided to add FPS modification to the game that a lot of you really would love to see. Ratten Reich is a real-time strategy (RTS) game that has absorbed some of the best ideas of the genre while also offering a unique flare and story. Depending on the situation, the player will take the command of a small squad or an entire division to fight in this ultimate war. Take advantage of the terrain and barricades for cover, upgrade equipment for specific combat missions, and manage your resources. Immerse yourself in an exciting storyline campaign featuring the rich lore of the Ratten Reich universe. The goal of our game is to transfer you - the player - into our unique and bloody universe. Back on Kickstarter
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