Melanocytes vs Keratinocytes Made Easy: 5-Minute Pathology Pearls
A complete organized library of all my videos, digital slides, pics, & sample pathology reports is available here: (dermpath) & (bone/soft tissue sarcoma pathology).
Melanocytes and keratinocytes both can develop artifactual clear vacuoles around them. To dermpath beginners, this can make them difficult to tell apart. Once you know the trick, you can usually distinguish vacuolated melanocytes from vacuolated keratinocytes easily on H&E. And yes, I know this one is technically longer than 5 minutes. ;-)
Thanks to my former medical student, Sophia Ly, for typing up the transcript of this video so it could have accurate closed caption/subtitles! You can access a text version of her transcript of my video here:
Other videos:
- Normal Skin Histology:
- Melanoma Basics:
This video is geared towards medical students, pathology or dermatology residents, or practi