Hey guys, here is chaos cyclone occultist build. Cyclone is a channeling melee attack skill that rapidly hits all enemies in a circular area around the player. Using Replica Alberon’s Warpath, these boots have “Adds 1 to 80 Chaos Damage to Attacks per 80 Strength“ mod.
Build Cost
- High Budget
Split Personality: Using two of them. Check the video or pob to see where you put them.
5 to Strength, 5 to Armour
5 to Strength, 5 to Dexterity
Fortify: Using a charm with “Melee Hits have chance to Fortify“ mod
Lethal Pride: Look for 5% increased Strength and increased Warcry Buff Effect mods.
Accuracy: Gain Accuracy Rating equal to your Strength mod on helmet
Leveling: I recommend you level with caustic arrow/toxic rain until level 70 then switch to cyclone. Leveling gems and trees are in the video.
Leveling Uniques:
- Quill Rain
- Hyrri’s Bite
- Tabula Rasa
- Karui Ward
- Blackheart x2 (Lvl 1-24), Le Heup of Al