Phonk Antoshka - Tokyo Drift (Magic Free Release)

Phonk ※ Antoshka - Tokyo Drift (Magic Free Release) ※ Spotify playlist: ⚠️ HOW TO USE & CREDIT OUR MUSIC Our “Magic Free Releases“ are free to use & free to monetize. However, to protect content creators from Fake claims, we have content ID enabled. You will get a claim from my Distributors “Repost Network”. Please dispute the claim with this code: “I have properly credited Magic Records on my video.” The claim will be released within 1-2 days and you can monetize the video yourself. Also, you won’t lose any revenue that’s made between the claim and the release. YouTube holds it in an escrow account for you. Please COPY & PASTE this in your video description to properly Credit! Track: Antoshka - Tokyo Drift Music Provided by Magic Records Listen To The Original: -------------------------------------------------------- phonk,magic phonk,drift phonk,phonk son
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