Beatsurfing 2 | The Beat performers Best friend | haQ attaQ

You need to check this one out! Beatsurfing 2 is one of the most fun and useful iOS music apps that I’ve had the privilege to work with so far. What makes this app so special is the way that you interact with it’s instruments, essentially “surfing“ over them with your fingers. It’s a total game changer when it comes to beat making or live performance music apps and If you’re into music that type of stuff, then you cannot simply afford to miss this one! 🎵 MY MUSIC 🎵 DISCOGRAPHY ► ❤️ CONNECT WITH ME ❤️ PATREON ► PAYPAL DONATE ► INSTAGRAM ► DISCORD ► ➡️ APP LINKS ➡️ BEATSURFING 2 ► ⏰ TIME STAMPS ⏰ 0:
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