Top 10 Survival Items Cowboys Carried on the Trail

in this here video, we’re gonna get up close and personal with the top 10 items that every self respectin’ cowboy toted on the trail. You betcha, these ain’t just ordinary possessions; these babies were the real deal to keep ’em alive and kickin’ out there. From them early cattle drives to ranchin’ life, cowpokes depended on some real deal gear to brave the elements and any ruckus that came their way. We’ll be diggin’ deep into the tales of their trusty shootin’ irons, the grub that kept ’em goin’, the tools they used for wranglin’ and mendin’, and don’t forget them personal touchin’ items that brought ’em comfort in them lonely nights under the stars. Please subscribe and give a thumbs up! ➥ @Motherland-TV We appreciate you joining us for this episode! #survival #prepping #cowboys
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