How to make simple object tracking to pick & place products with Delta X Software

#PickAndPlaceRobot #ObjectDetecting #DeltaRobot #ComputerVision How to make simple object tracking to pick & place products with Delta X Software Object variables: Object | X-Axis Value | Y-Axis Value | Tilt angle Value 1 | #O1_X | #O1_Y | #O1_A 2 | #O2_X | #O2_Y | #O2_A 3 | #O3_X | #O3_Y | #O3_A … Vision functions: M98 PpauseCamera - Pause reading frames from the camera M98 PresumeCamera - Resume reading camera M98 PcaptureCamera - Capture a frame from camera M98 PdeleteFirstObject - Delete the first element in the container of the tracking objects M98 PclearObjects - Clear all tracking objects in container Delta X Software (Windows): G-code program: Delta X 2: Short conveyor Belt: Webcam: Logitech c270
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