Toronto 2022 Pride Parade Officially Kicks Off (多伦多2022年同性恋大游行盛况空前!!!)4K HDR

Starting 2pm, Sunday, June 26, 2022, Toronto 2022 Pride Parade officially kicks off in-person Pride celebrations. 2SLGBTQ community holding up rainbow and transgender flags lined and started on the corner of Church and Bloor street for the annual Pride Parade !!! The Parade, drew massive crowds, filling Bloor, Yonge and Church streets, with revellers. It is estimated that million people attended and watched this colourful Pride Parade !!! The streets of downtown Toronto were awash with colour, music, smiling happy, beautiful faces. The mood was jubilant, with cheers often rising up unprompted throughout the throngs of people. We were overwhelmed by all the love !!!
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