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Another synth infested endeavour by yours truly ’’Suntreader, life and light be thine for ever; Thou art gone from us, years go by, and spring gladdens, And the young earth is beautiful, Yet thy songs come not, other bards arise, But none like thee, they stand, thy majesties, Like mighty works which tell some Spirit there Hath sat regardless of neglect and scorn, Till, its long task completed, it hath risen And left us, never to return’’ A release consisting of two semi-improvised electronic semi-compositions. The second is a more drone influenced spacey ’stream of consciousness’ number. The eponymous piece, in a sense inspired by the poem excerpt above, is a massive exercise in self indulgence and a piece I particularly am glad, even a bit proud, of. However, I congratulate anyone who is not me if they manage to listen to the entire thing and somehow even enjoy it - I warn you, it will be hard! Suntreader: Genre: Ambient Style: Dark Ambient, Progressive Electronic, Space Ambient, Tribal Ambient, Drone, K
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