Please watch in HD and with headphones for full viewing pleasure ;)
So, I really got inspired by “Sherlock“ a few days ago when I finally caught up with the latest episodes. If you’ve never watched it, I can only recommend you do so, because it is such a BRILLIANT show. Really amazing! So, I did put a lot of work into this video and hope that it shows, so feedback would be greatly appreciated, as always ;)
Also, this video is dedicated to my truly amazing friend Hana. Sometimes she seems to forget how important she is to me. (Be prepared to get this video sent EVERY SINGLE TIME you do ;)) So yeah. This one’s for you. Hope you like the final outcome ;)
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EarlyRise -- Become Mad
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2 months ago 00:54:43 1
Палец инженера - Аудиокнига. Сборник “Приключения Шерлока Холмса“