Thousands of Canadian truckers are heading to Ottawa to protest vax mandates | LiveFEED®

Canadian truckers continue protesting COVID-19 vaccine mandates, including the new federal rule that came into effect for cross-border crossings on January 15th. The new mandate now requires unvaccinated Canadian truck drivers that return to Canada to get tested for COVID-19 and isolate for 14 days. Additionally, the new federal mandate will also not allow unvaccinated foreign national truck drivers to cross the border into Canada. January 22nd, the same mandate came into force in the US. Experts warn that both of these mandates will inevitably lead to supply chain collapse and a further surge in prices, including prices for food, gas and essential goods. Canadian truckers are currently heading to Ottawa from all over the country to hold a large rally in the nation’s capital on January 29th. Additional protests are also scheduled at multiple border crossings throughout Canada: Check out Rudi Dueck’s channel:
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