a powerpoint presentation on why green is the worst colour
Hello my pizza slices (there I changed it I thought pistachios were beige ok)
yes I know that is google slides but they’re like sibs from different cribs or something so it still counts aight
There are many joys to the world as we know it. Innovation, humanity, compassion, love, and the pizza spaghetti from 4Ps. However one colour stands out as the blockage between us and finally achieving world peace. It surrounds is, like insects in the wild feasting on the innocent, enslaving others who do not see them coming. It slithers around you, hiding in plain sight and forgotten as easily as humans oversee death.
Today, I bring to you what most of us feel but do not acknowledge. What we see but do not notice. What we hear, but don’t listen- the colour who must not be named. Green, forever etched upon our eyes like a parasite to a tree. It’s funny how some things go by unnoticed until we see the poison in the fruit, the dust in the light. And then we are unable to ever look away again.
I owe it to the world to