High Above, The Scottish Highlands - Movie - Scotland Drone / Aerial Showreel, Phantom, GoPro4

This is the full release to the Trailer: Locations in order of appearance: 00:00 - Lochinver 00:14 - Sunrays at the Torridon pass 00:45 - Isle of Skye mountain range from Applecross 01:06 - Suilven 01:31 - Torridon Town 01:38 - Ardvreck Castle 01:46 - Lochinver Harbour 02:22 - Loch Torridon 02:33 - Applecross Pass 02:46 - Family of Deer near Applecross 03:02 - Loch Torridon Seagulls 03:43 - River Inver 03:53 - Abhainn Clas an Eas Waterfall 04:10 - Clachto
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