Weird girl and Mr. Whiskers. Bat wings. Drawing on a glass flask. DIY. Part 2.

#DIY#drawing#nightmare#acrylicpaints#glass#dishpetry#flask#weirdgirl#wing#bat#MrWhiskers#ручнаяработа#рисование#кошмарик#акриловыекраски#стекло#чашапетри#колба#страннаядевочка#крыло#летучаямышь#мистерКискерс#blackhamsterart Continuation of my last video. Here I complemented the image of a “weird“ girl on a Petri dish. I drew her favorite pet Mr. Whiskers and a pair of bat wings on glass flasks. I assembled the elements into a single composition using fishing line and epo putty, making a mount on the back o
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