Something Just Exploded On The Farside Of The Sun - September 5. 2024.

Something just exploded on the farside of the sun. NASA’s STEREO-A spacecraft recorded a magnificent full-halo CME emerging during the early hours of Sept. 5th. SOHO coronagraphs were also captured the large full halo CME. A NASA model of the CME shows it heading away from Earth. This will be the second time over the past five days that the farside of the sun has been hammered by a significant solar storm. An earlier CME struck on Sept. 1st, probably launched by the same farside sunspot. Earth is not affected by the storm, which is happening on the opposite side of the sun. However, the sun’s rotation will turn this region toward us in little more than a week, putting Earth in the line of fire. #MajorCME #solarstorm #solareruption Images credit: STEREO-A, SOHO/LASCO, NASA Music credit: YouTube Audio Library The Charmer’s Call
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