~【ラブライブ!】告白日和、です!踊ってみた(ことぱな) - Niconico Video sm38877881

We are usually cosplayers, but it’s a good day to confess! I danced! Kotori-chan, I’m sorry, but I’m sorry. I hope you can see it with warm eyes! Both are new to dance. Hanayo Koizumi ▷ Urin-chan (@urin_tsubasa) Kotori Minami ▶ ︎Shinko (@ryohamiku) Heart red costume (@miyo_mys) Shooting and editing ▷ Well, Mr. (@ maatan0930_2525) ) I am always grateful for your help! Choreographer: 心紅 06/12/2021 20:19 Views 385
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